Poetry. Prosetry.

I choose expansion, light, joy and peace.

I choose to know light, joy, and passion.

I choose wisdom. Ease. Surrender. And to be a wild woman.

I choose to love the mind. I choose to release the mind. I choose to love the heart. I choose to love *with* the heart. And I choose to be free.

Light. Aliveness and peace.

Expansion. Joy.

And creativity.

This is my creativity. This is my wonder. This is my passion and power.

Using my words. With simplicity and flow.

Clear. Concise. Concrete.

That anyone may feel the vibration and be with the resonance.

That a simple vocabulary and simpler understanding is all that’s necessary.

Because I speak to… through… with… to…

The heart

The heart, the mighty organ that pumps blood and circulates life.

The heart, the mighty vessel that receives and filters all of the light.

The heart… that knows.

That aches.

That loves.

That circulates.

That is.

The heart that knows truth greater than and beyond any physical, mental or physical concepts.

The heart that “sees” and is with all dimensions and beings.

The heart. That is.


The heart. That is.


Because love is the universal language. Because love unites all fractures. Because love knows no bounds.

Because love emanates beyond words. Because love is the highest vibration.

Because love heals. Expands.


Because love.

Love ends wars.

Love ends suffering.

Love creates light. Innovation. Newness. Breath.


Because love is. Everywhere.

Because it is dangerous to the boxes and systems and cages that keep us “safe” and… small.

Because expanding and exiting these constructs… hurt.

Growing pains.

Are worth it.

In metamorphosis, a caterpillar is no more.

A butterfly emerges.




Light. Solid. Sovereign.

Alive. Awake.



Loving the beings it encounters.

And being.

Beauty. Radiance. Light.

Freedom. Aliveness. Whole.

I. Choose. Love.

I. Choose. Freedom.

And I choose it. For you too...


I am love. I am love.

Poetry. Comedy. Love

To share. To breathe. To believe.

To share. The codes. The wisdom.

I am wise. I have light.

I am light.

I am light.

A spoken word poem... as dictated to my life coach:

Potent moment. Will be in a blog post. Not shared. Yet. Testing this out. Right now you're the person to whom I share everything. As I get more comfortable and myself and then witness.

At the grocery store the other day... "Buy coconut oil," they say. "But I have coconut oil... Okay. I'll buy more. Probably going to eat a lot."

Right now. Awakening. Slathering myself in coconut oil. Dancing is the sun radiates beautifully into the window. Dictating this. Would sound better as spoken word. Perhaps you will hear or imagine the cadence. Slathered in coconut oil. Emerging. And then comes the turmeric tea. The powder. Orange. Grainy. Rubbing texture all over my body. Nurturing. Enlivening. Feeling the Divine feminine. Touching my wet pussy. Mildly amazed that I feel this comfortable with Heather and going for it because I am coming into Nura. I have coming into divine feminine I am feeling me all of me I feel sensual I feel safe but not so safe as to be alone in it. Tears start flowing. Panic comes. And I ground and I calm. I am here I am alive I feel the grain I feel the love I take more orange and more white as I look into the mirror my glistening orange body. Grounded nourished honey coconut monk fruit cardamon ginger all of it allowing breathing breathing allowing talking allowing allowing allowing allowing allowing... Allowing. Sensual. Soft touch safety embodied scary alive touch feminine breathe slowing slowing feeling feeling my body feeling my body receiving the sun receiving the nourishment receiving my hands. Recognition coaching can be lots of things. It will be what it will be. Fear. Come back to self. Come back to self come back to self dictating. Okay. I got this I got this

Trauma fear drama exits my body. The orange penetrates my cells my being the grain feels like life My hands caress they flow ed and fear. And sensual and exciting is this what feminine feels like? Is this truth is this life is this what it's like to feel okay? Is this what it's like to feel okay is this what it's like to feel okay? Voice quavers and panics it's speed up tears no yes no Yes breathe. Breathe. Breathe breathe breathe Moana is in my head. Come back to the water come back to the water come back to the water tears start to flow gratitude grief joy expansion abundance into the unknown. Into the unknown not that song but that thought. Lyrics I can't quite comprehend to the song about the water expansion body rotates and pendulates good scared alive what is this I don't know the side of me it's good it's scary it's great speaking to it permits being with it speaking to it permits me with it Sears flow the raid washes washes washes all the trouble all the beer as I scream these words all the rage all the anger and Brian and Maureen and my father yeah. I know I know I know and it's dictating wrong. I yell. I know. I lose my flow and I laugh. Everything is perfect and I yell at all. And I allow myself to be held over text in this process no I got held by myself bye-bye divine feminine lineage people Sophia's and by Heather right now. So fucking grateful. Enjoy you. Enjoy the future who gets to see this or no one and I am coming alive

I scream a while. And I return. I wipe the snot from my nose and rub it into my skin. Why not. More moisture and lather joy play boogers slime. Bring it on enjoy I think 4 minute go roll in the snow? Maybe? Won't it be a fun orange picture? Let go of attachment who cares it's all there this is joy this is what it's like to love myself. This is what it's like to touch my body Yes no yes no yes no screaming. Screaming. Yeah yeah power power gratitude witness do I need a witness I've always wanted a witness shame no Yes no All of it beautiful. It's quiet. The skies are clear the sun is shining. The heat is on and I stare at the mountain and the snow capped trees I slow. I breathe. I start to think and my chest gets heavy. Coming alive scared no breathe slow wiggle. Wiggle we don't know. Surrender. Okay. Okay.

I take a break. I go through a process. I go outside. I quickly lay in the snow. I come back. I step into the shower. I don't take a shower. I laughed. The coconut oil has frozen on my arms. I come back to the phone. Because of course I have to chronicle this. And I found a way. Someday I'll feel safe just writing for me. For now I dictate to others. And save it for posterity. To publish? To hold. To be with. It doesn't matter. It's all perfect. Surrender to the process. Even if the process has the mind doing all sorts of things. The oil and water melt and now it's a different goo warm and cold wet and sticky fluid joy joy joy allow BBB a little bit of a show all of me some of me fear holding back. Letting go. Holding back letting go trust the process all is perfect. Coming alive


Waking up

It's been a journey.

Much poetry lost. Journaling. Wisdom?

It's in here. Stories told. Stories to be told.

Controlled by demons. Controlled by light. Magic. Wizardry.

Divine insight.

Much to tell and yet, I prefer in conversation.

Documentation feels finite.

A box. A label. A certainty.

To contain that which cannot be contained.

I have had experiences.

Many. Beyond belief.


I am here to soar.

In the mystery.

Of what's next.

The past was wild.

And worthy of being received.

Drama and trauma, that's hard to be believed.

And here I am. Standing tall.

Alive awake. Through it all.

Fierce and fearless.

And also scared.

To embrace my power.

And be all there.

A wild wizard.

Sorceress. Healer. Artist.

Many things.

In whole and parts.

Nura Danielle

The light is ready.

To penetrate this world.

And be all and every.

Thing that's worthy.

Of being revealed.

Of all that's happening.

Of all that's healed.


He was supposed to help me. So was she and so was she and so was she. So is he and so were they. And how could they. They didn't know the way.

I gave away my power. That was part of my illness. And they were trained to give primacy to the mind. Society's illness.

So I became their teacher. As they became my wound. Opening them to spirit. As my world increased with doom.

The inner lights and inner demons. Knew it wasn't right. And I chalked it up to illness. Proof that they were right.

So now here's more medication. Here's how you're bad and you're defiant

When all along I was just awake. Light was fighting when dark was compliant.

But really neither were compliant. So it made things much more complicated. War of inner and of outer. As the body, but not mind, remained sedated.

All the theories; teachers, doctors too. My knowing said let's awaken the body, my habits said listen to the mind crew.

The hardware store for bread - begging them to teach. Me to know my body. But for them it was out of reach.

And now this body's learning. To feel safe. To hear from soul. To be all the wisdom. To be one with God and whole.

I have so much anger. And also so much compassion. They didn't know what they didn't know. And I got hurt with that fashion.

So now I hear my body. And I hear my guides. And even if it's trauma, the body gets a voice and gets to decide.

I hear you body. I love you. I feed and decorate you too. We're allowed, encouraged. Embraced to enjoy. This life and follow through.


Light worker share the light. Be the light. Divine insight. Channel vision. Healer. Guide. Writer. Wander. What’s inside. Allahhu Akbar. Hashem. Divine. Another day. Another line.

Many paths. ONe source

Many tools to achieve one force

Love is the way. The answer. The cure.

Among all paths, the love is pure.

Do I know love? Does it matter?

Will there be bliss? Ever after?

Darkness has it’s teaching. I’m sorry for delaying the healing.

You’ve always been there, and trauma’s been loud. Lack of integration to make you proud. Loving life. Weird isolated way. Like aloneness. Inside okay. Finding balance. Learning choice Surrender to God. Let go of the voices.

Many paths. Many theories. Direct to God. Through the clearing.

Serving others. Sharing light. Have no fear. Contain insight.

When inside, I get *stuck* - in the apartment, out of uck. Loving life, healing too. Liminal spaces, grow and chew. ON the lessons, implement. INtegrate. And hell bent. All is perfect, Energy shift. Loving life. What a lift

All the voices. IN the head. Trust the process. Allah’s bed

Allah allah allah allah allah allah allah allah allah allah allah

Middle path middle path middle path. Let go.

Boundaries. Protection. Containment. Trigger. Flow

Do work inside to change the out. Allow allow allow. Release dhe doubt.

I trust you allah - and your will. Follow rules, but to you be still.

Pause, slow down. Take a breath. Common ground. And I rest.

Unique walking. Unique gifts. Much forgiveness. Allow what God lifts. Empty body. Mind and soul. Let lt out. Let it flow.